Best way to run Next JS App locally in HTTPS instead of HTTP

Hi, While working on Next JS app, I got stuck in one situation where I had to make a HTTPS request to an API and I started to chek how to configure the Next Js app locally in HTTPS instead of HTTP.

Basically I wanted to run Next JS app on https://localhost:3000 instead of http://localhost:3000.

After checking on many solutions like: creating a certificate locally using OpenSSL, but it was taking too much time in Windows machine, and after doing everything still app was not running in HTTPS mode.
Then I found a very easy to use tool named “NGROK“.

What is NGROK ?

ngrok is the programmable network edge that adds connectivity, security, and observability to your apps with no code changes.

How to run Next JS App locally in HTTPS ?

  • Install ngrok as a global npm package “npm install ngrok -g
  • Create a free account in ngrok and get authtoken from dashboard.
  • Add authtoken to local ngrok: “ngrok config add-authtoken <your auth token>
  • Run ngrok with the port number in use by Next JS app like: “ngrok http 3000

You will get the HTTP and HTTPS link, which can be accessed from any device:

run Next JS App locally in HTTPS,Next Js app locally in HTTPS,What is NGROK,How to run Next JS App locally in HTTPS,configure the Next Js app locally in HTTPS


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